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what is metamask walet
Metamask is a cryptocurrency wallet based on Ethereum (ETH) platform launched in 2016. n Finlay.
The product was present at universities. Besides, this add-on plugin allows users to run Dapps right on their computer’s browser.
Currently, the wallet supports Chrome, Opera, FireFox, Brave and mobile apps. Metamask is a gateway connecting users’ wallets with projects such as AMM, Lending, Farming, etc.
The system can access assets in the wallet and present the Metamask window by creating a wallet or entering a Private Key, Seed Phrase into it. Metamask. As a result, investors can participate in DeFi activities.
2. Why use MetaMask wallet?
MetaMask was created to fulfil the need for a safe and usable website based on Ethereum. In particular, it handles account management and connects users to the blockchain. The main reasons for the existence of the Metamask wallet are:
2.1 Account management and crypto security
Metamask allows users to manage their accounts and keys in a variety of ways, including hardware wallets, and isolate them from online sites. This is a huge security improvement over storing user keys in a single central server or even local storage – vulnerable to attack and theft.
This security feature also provides convenience for developers: for developers, you can simply interact with the globally available ethereumAPI to identify users of web3 compatible browsers (as a MetaMask user) and when needing to sign a transaction (such as eth_sendTransaction, eth_signTypedData or others).
MetaMask will notify users when something goes wrong, so attackers can only choose to fool individual users and not proceed further