Methods of buying from Novin Absar store
To buying from Novin Absar site, we search for Novin Absar in Google until we enter the novinabsar site and buy from the site from the store menu.
for example’ we are going to buy a few sprinklers. for this we go the sales menu under the irrigation equipment menu and select saro sprinkler from the opened menus to be directed to the sprinkler product, after clicking on the select button . we select the sprikler option we want, then we select the required quantity and then click on add to cart to add the disired purchese to the cart. now, if we want to buy another product, select it again from the store menu. likes the product above , we add our favorite product to our shopping cart
Payment methods
in this store, you, dear customers, can make your payment with tree methods
1- direct banking method
Apply to the bank to settle the invoice amount. in this section, by referri bank of agriculture and settling the invoice amount to account 491655071 at bank of agriculture. pay the invoice in the name of Alireza nemati or card number 6037701539572971 . and tell tis store the number of the deposit rceipt in the order registration section so that the goods will be sent to your address.
2-payment through digital currency
you can transfer the per-invoice amount to the following account through usdt digital currency in binance smart chain , of course, to change the currency from toman to dollar or usdt, use the manu on the right, please send transaction link via whatsapp or send in telegram address . telegram adrress is @novinabsar

buying from Novin Absar
Wallet numbwe for currency deposit : 0x5Cf5E7432223aD7271765bB92D7243c29e852C60

3-payment through paypal
by clicking on the paypal icon, you will be redirecter to the internet portal. and by paying the invoice coast , te settlement is done through the bank card, after which you parcel will be sent to your address .