For example, we are going to buy a few Saroo sprinklers. For this, we enter the irrigation equipment sub-menu from the store menu and select the Saro sprinkler menu from the opened menus to be directed to the sprinkler product, and then click on the button. We select the sprinkler option we want, then we select the required quantity and then click on add to cart to add the desired purchase to the cart. We choose it and like the product above, we add our favorite product to our shopping cart
In this store, you, dear customers, can make your payment with three methods
1- Buying from the store using the direct banking method
Apply to the bank to settle the invoice amount. In this section, by referring to Bank of Agriculture and settling the invoice amount to account 491655071 at Bank of Agriculture. Pay the invoice in the name of Alireza Nemati or card number 6037701539572971. and inform this company of the deposit slip number in the order registration section so that the goods will be sent to your address
2- Buying from the store by paying through Crypto currency
You can transfer the pre-invoice amount to the following account through usdt Crypto currency and in Binance China, of course, to change the currency from toman to dollar or usdt, use the menu on the right, please send the transaction link via WhatsApp or Send a telegram. Telegram address is @ novinabsar.
Wallet number for depositing Crypto currency: 0x5Cf5E7432223aD7271765bB92D7243c29e852C60
You can pay a purchase order with Crypto currency usdt on Bainans Smart chain Network to wallet number 0x5Cf5E7432223aD7271765bB92D7243c29e852C60
3- Buying from the store by paying through the internet portal
By clicking on Sepah Bank or Saderate Iran Bank or PayPal icon, you will be directed to the internet portal. And by paying the invoice cost, the settlement is done through the bank card, after which your parcel will be sent to your address. The method of sending it is done with your advice
Of course, we plan to diversify the settlement methods so that customers abroad can also. They should buy from this store, on the other hand, we don’t have the bank problem that is applied to Iran through sanctions.
One of the methods we are working on is settlement through cryptocurrencies, which you can do safely. Take steps to settle the invoice amount and the other method is through the Perfect Money portal. that the management of this store is in the process of meeting with Perfect Money managers and settling through Perfect Money digital money
In this page, you will get to know some of the the store’s products visually. This product slide contains photos that are used in this store. Considering that this company has been working in the field of designing and implementing store’s and or products irrigation systems for 20 years.
quality of products
The parts and fittings of this store’s products are procured from companies that are first of all of high quality.
And secondly, it has the approval of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, and according to these issues, you can safely make your purchases from this store. And you will not worry about their quality.
So that there is no problem in the overall functioning of the system.
Advice on the selection of fittings
Also, this company gives useful solutions in choosing parts according to its 20 years of experience in implementing systems. One of the important issues in choosing Etisalat is reducing the cost of the project.
For example, when from a technical point of view, we can use a welded polyethylene tee instead of a three-headed flange tee that is located in the transmission line of the polyethylene pipe
This change causes, first of all, to remove the three flange rings, which are very expensive. Also, instead of the more expensive cast iron flanged tee, we use a welded tee, which is much cheaper than the padni.
It means less connections are used. And the cost of the piece itself is lower than the previous piece. Of course, this work can be used when there is no technical problem in the system. Otherwise, reducing the cost will not benefit us and will even be detrimental to us. On this page, photos of some parts of this store are displayed. such as Flake valves, cast iron four-way one-way valves, an example of Iranian sprinklers, and polyethylene connections, such as welded tees
To buying from Novin Absar site, we search for Novin Absar in Google until we enter the novinabsar site and buy from the site from the store menu.
for example’ we are going to buy a few sprinklers. for this we go the sales menu under the irrigation equipment menu and select saro sprinkler from the opened menus to be directed to the sprinkler product, after clicking on the select button . we select the sprikler option we want, then we select the required quantity and then click on add to cart to add the disired purchese to the cart. now, if we want to buy another product, select it again from the store menu. likes the product above , we add our favorite product to our shopping cart
Payment methods
in this store, you, dear customers, can make your payment with tree methods
1- direct banking method
Apply to the bank to settle the invoice amount. in this section, by referri bank of agriculture and settling the invoice amount to account 491655071 at bank of agriculture. pay the invoice in the name of Alireza nemati or card number 6037701539572971 . and tell tis store the number of the deposit rceipt in the order registration section so that the goods will be sent to your address.
2-payment through digital currency
you can transfer the per-invoice amount to the following account through usdt digital currency in binance smart chain , of course, to change the currency from toman to dollar or usdt, use the manu on the right, please send transaction link via whatsapp or send in telegram address . telegram adrress is @novinabsar
buying from Novin Absar
Wallet numbwe for currency deposit : 0x5Cf5E7432223aD7271765bB92D7243c29e852C60
3-payment through paypal
by clicking on the paypal icon, you will be redirecter to the internet portal. and by paying the invoice coast , te settlement is done through the bank card, after which you parcel will be sent to your address .
In this tab, you will get acquainted with a number of products visually. This product slide contains photos that have been used in this slide products .
Considering that this company has been working in the field of design and implementation of irrigation systems for 20 years.
The parts and fittings of this store are provided by companies that, first of all, are of high quality.
And secondly, it is also approved by the Ministry of Jihad for Agriculture, and according to these issues, make your purchases safely from this store.
And you will not worry about their quality.
The company also provides useful solutions in selecting parts, according to its 20 years of experience in implementing systems.
One of the most important issues in choosing connections is reducing the cost of the project.
So that it does not disrupt the overall operation of the system
products of Ductile check valve
The company also provides useful solutions in selecting parts, according to its 20 years of experience in implementing systems. One of the most important issues in choosing connections is reducing the cost of the project.
So that there is no disruption in the overall operation of the system.
For example, when technically we can replace the three-way flange that is in the transmission line of the polyethylene pipe. Use a polyethylene welding tee.
This change first eliminates the three costly flange rims. And also instead of three-way cast iron flange, which is more expensive. We use a three-way weld that is much cheaper than a paddy.
That means less connections are used. Also, the cost of the piece itself is less than the previous piece.
Of course, this can be used in cases where there is no technical problem in the operation of the system. Otherwise, reducing the cost is not in our interest and will even be to our detriment. In this section, photos of some parts of this store are displayed. Like roller valves, one-way valve, four-way cast iron, example of Iranian sprinklers and polyethylene fittings, such as welding tees
on of a variety of irrigation methods is drip irrigation . The drip irrigation system helps to prevent runoff, evaporation and wastage of water in windy conditions by gradual irrigation.
In this method, drip irrigation pipes are placed side by side with your plants, which you can cover with soil so that it is not exposed. Flow rate and distance between drippers are determined by plant type, soil type and weather conditions. For example, in areas with sandy soils and coarse grains, the distance of the drippers is shorter, while in areas covered with clay, due to the slower absorption of water, the distance of the drippers is longer and the discharge of the drippers is less. The Drip irrigation system targets the roots of the plants ,thereby making irrigation more efficient and also reducing water and electricity coasts . Another advantage of using this irrigation system is its use in hard-to-reach areas or sloping , and it also prevents damage to plants due to excessive flooding.
1-2-tape irrigation system
Irrigation type is made of polyethylene and unlike hard polyethylene pipe, it is almost flat and very soft.
In fact, type tapes have a soft and flexible material that fills when water enters it and water droplets The type is removed through the doors installed on the irrigation strip and after the end of irrigation, the type strip is flat again.
The wall thickness of the type strip is very thin and the distance between the drippers in the irrigation strip is different from the type.
Thicker ones and are usually used for subsurface irrigation of different plants. Irrigation tapes are produced for different methods of drip irrigation (surface and subsurface) and different plants, with a great variety in terms of thickness and distance between the drippers or joints. Our most common type is irrigation tape with a thickness of 200 and 150 microns with watering intervals of 10, 20 and 30 cm. Usually, Iranian irrigation tapes are of seam type and foreign irrigation tapes are of plate type. Plaque-type tape has a dropper, but seam-type tape does not have a dropper, and instead there is a zigzag (zip-like) path next to it that breaks the water pressure so that the droplets come out through the seams and reach the plant, which is called The armpit is famous. The other type has a hole in the strip, known as a seam in the middle.
How many points do you consider necessary in drip irrigation of tape type? In principle, the strip drip irrigation system should not be used on farms with very hard and salty water.
If necessary, a complete water test must be performed before designing and installing the tape to prevent obstruction prevention methods in the network design.
Fractures (angles) along the entire length of the installed irrigation strip reduce water flow.
This situation is especially noticeable at the beginning of the lines and the distance between the connection of the tape to the 16 mm pipes or in the torn points that have been repaired, which should be controlled and corrected.
In the calculations of water requirement for irrigation, if the water requirement of the crop is underestimated, the root of the plant will penetrate into the outlet of the strip to access water and will cause blockage. Therefore, the environment around the roots should always have enough moisture and the plant’s water needs should be met. If the type irrigation strip is installed under the soil, it is better to limit the farm to one irrigation period to facilitate the collection of the strip so that the soil on the strip is semi-moist and soft. To control weeds, it is recommended that herbicides be used and that weeding workers do not use sharp objects for weeding. Becomes. Spreading irrigation strips over long lengths also reduces irrigation uniformity and ultimately reduces crop yield.
1-2- Wilmo sprinkler irrigation system
one of a variety of irrigation methods is sprinkler irrigation . The system consists of laterals and aluminum tubes located in the center of large wheels with a diameter of one and a half to two meters. This device is one of the semi-mechanized irrigation devices and does not move during irrigation. After irrigation of each part of the field, the lateral pipe is transferred to other parts of the field by a driving force or gasoline engine.
2-2- Pivot Center Irrigation System
This irrigation system consists of a large irrigation wing. Sprinklers are located on it. This irrigation wing is mounted on wheels and rotates around a central axis similar to the clockwise rotation, irrigating the ground in a circle. The irrigation wing consists of several openings arranged on A-shaped towers. Each tower has two large wheels. The radius of the circle under irrigation is equal to the length of the lateral tube.
3-2- Classic mobile sprinkler irrigation system
In this system, the pumping station, main and secondary pipes and wings are fixed in place during the planting season, and according to the need, the sprinklers are connected to the automatic valves by the worker and by the riser in different places and irrigation is done. In this system, the main pipes are buried underground and the side pipes can be buried or surface.
on of a variety of irrigation methods is sprinkler irrigation
4-2- Classic mobile sprinkler system
All components are transferred from one unit to another after irrigation, the pump moves on the chassis. In this method, which is one of the classic methods, the pipes are made of aluminum, usually their diameter is 3 inches. Suitable pipe is determined according to the maximum allowable length, maximum allowable speed (2.3 meters per second) and the dimensions of the ground. The length of the pipe is usually selected 6, 9 or 12, the material of the removable pipes AL and for fixed pipes PE Consider.
5-2-Constant sprinkler irrigation system
In this method, all components of the system, such as sprinklers, main and secondary pipes are fixed. This method is used to irrigate lawns. Due to the high cost of this method compared to other methods, small-scale irrigation such as parks and urban green spaces and football fields are used.